Dziś chcę Wam pokazać kartkę zrobioną z użyciem agateriowych produktów tj. zestawu metalowych wykrojników - wianek i listki, dwóch stempli motyla na tle oraz napisu Kochać... jak to łatwo powiedzieć a także białego gesso. Stempel z napisem jest mojego projektu;-) Kartka oczywiście w moim ulubionym różu;-)
Today I want to show you a handmade card made with the use of Agateria Craft's products: metal die set - a floral wreath and leaves, two stamps: a butterfly with background and a polish sentence and also the white gesso. The stamp with the sentence is my own design. The card is all in pink, which is my favourite colour;-)
Oprócz kartki przygotowałam dla Was także instrukcję krok po krok jak wykonać taką kartkę. Mam nadzieję, że mój video tutorial się Wam spodoba.
In addition, I would like to show you the step-by-step instructions on how to easily make such a card. I hope, you will enjoy my video;-)
Today I want to show you a handmade card made with the use of Agateria Craft's products: metal die set - a floral wreath and leaves, two stamps: a butterfly with background and a polish sentence and also the white gesso. The stamp with the sentence is my own design. The card is all in pink, which is my favourite colour;-)
In addition, I would like to show you the step-by-step instructions on how to easily make such a card. I hope, you will enjoy my video;-)